Monday, October 19, 2009 |
Jeff Mathis Doubles The Angels' Pleasure: Angels 5, Yankees 4 (11 Innings)

Update, 10/20: I had a naughtier title to this post earlier, but decided to take it down; those of you who know such things can find it in the usual Blogger way. All that said, and as happy as I am to have the Angels win one at home with a big walkoff hit, if you have to go eleven innings and get to their worst reliever to do it, by a guy not noted for big hits, you're in some trouble. But then, Vlad clocked a two-run jack, too, and I've been waiting for him to do some damage in this series, so yay, net positive.
Labels: angels, postseason, recaps, yankees
He'll be happy if it's an Angels/Dodger Series, because then he is guaranteed failure from one of the teams he 'supports'.
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