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Friday, December 24, 2004

Pickoff Moves

You Like Me, You Really Really Like Me

Gosh, the encomiums keep on coming: embarrassingly nice things said about 6-4-2 by LA Blogs, who I for some reason still haven't provided a sidebar link. By way of return, LAB is a great source of epiphanies, local writing, and just plain good stuff. Thanks, guys, and I'll get that omission straightened out just as soon as I can figure out a grouping for you.

P.S.: while you're over there, check out this great short Christmas post on Negro Please.

Gammons Takes On The Trade

The world is full of long knives, the patient is dead, and every sportswriter dons the coroner's lab coat. Gammons spins yet another tale both different from and subtler than earlier editions, essentially saying that Frank McCourt respected Vazquez's wish to remain on the east coast so much -- he would have demanded a trade after 2005 anyway -- that the Dodgers torpedoed the deal:
Vazquez did not refuse the physical, he asked that it be postponed, but the Yankees wanted the deal done and wanted the deadline. He did not ever threaten to refuse to report to spring training; he has a house in Jupiter, Fla., that is an hour from Vero Beach.

But by Tuesday, McCourt was convinced that Vazquez would, indeed, be miserable on the West Coast, would demand a trade after the 2005 season and be willing to walk away from the $25 million owed him in 2006-2007. "In the end," McCourt said, "what is more important than family? Anyone who knows us knows how strong and close we are as a family, and it's one value whose importance cannot be overstated. We came away with great respect for Javy's honesty, integrity and value system."

... and no doubt, a newfound respect for the KISS principle.

If You Have To Ask, You Can't Afford It

The Boston Red Sox have come to terms with their free agent catcher Jason Veritek, to the tune of $40M/4 years. Not that DePo was actively pursuing him, but there goes another option behind the plate.

The Real Reason We Got Drew

... is because Tommy Lasorda thinks his wife is like, really hot:

Lasorda shakes Sheigh Drew's hand instead of J.D.'s

Hey, Tommy, you're supposed to shake J.D.'s hand...

She's no Anna Benson... but damn...
If the standard for signing a player is the hotness of his wife, then we were certifiably insane to let Jose Lima go. ;)


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