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Monday, January 03, 2005

OT: Megan's Law Website

Thanks to The Skunks of Los Feliz for this one: California's Megan's Law website is now up, so you can be frighteningly aware of the sexual predators in your midst. Creeeepy, but probably sadly necessary.

I saw that a while back, and discovered that there's a child molester living across the street. Not so much a problem for me personally (my theory is that he's served his debt to society, so let him be), but I do have a problem with him living next to a park. (And I mean right next to a park - they share a fence.) It's not a good feeling.
Jesus Christ there are 4 within my block and a big square(means multiple offenders) three blocks away from me. Disgusting.
And just think, this doesn't include the ones who weren't caught, or those who weren't reported.

Rob now understands a wee bit better why I keep the doors locked all day long, even though we've got two dogs.

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