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Saturday, January 15, 2005

Plus Ça Change...

Crash: It's time to work on your interviews.
Nuke: My interviews? What do I gotta do?
Crash: You're gonna have to learn your clichés. You're gonna have to study them, you're gonna have to know them. They're your friends. Write this down: "We gotta play it one day at a time."
Nuke: Got to play... it's pretty boring.
Crash: 'Course it's boring, that's the point. Write it down.
-- Bull Durham, 1988
You're never done, but that's not to suggest that there will be a bunch more changes. You're always looking. There are no deadlines or timelines that we work to. There are opportunity lines we work to. If you have an opportunity to do something that's good for your organization, you do it. So your job's never over.
-- Bill Stoneman, 2005

Bill Stoneman is undoubtedly the most boring man in baseball, if not all of sports. I've heard him interviewed countless times and yet never heard him say anything interesting or revealing.
Not EVERYTHING Stoneman says is boring. I can recall..."The Angels are pleased to announce the signing of Vladimir Guerrero...."

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