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Thursday, February 03, 2005

Dreifort To Undergo Shoulder Surgery

"An airplane," goes the old aeronautical gag, "is a lot of parts flying in formation." Darren Dreifort apparently is built in a similar manner, and today the Associated Press discloses another of those parts' collapse, as Dreifort is to undergo shoulder surgery. The surgery, the fourth for the Dodger pitcher this offseason, is scheduled February 15.

For me, Darren Dreifort is the poster boy for the ill effects of steroid usage.

I seem to be the only one who thinks that way, because I have never seen anything written about Dreifort regarding steroids, even though the implications are obvious. What other pitcher in recent memory has hit 2 home runs in a game (to straight-away center), has a body that is falling apart by the minute, and is at about 1/2 the size he was 3 years ago???

This is what happens when you use steroids, people!!! I know a lot of people would go through what Dreifort has suffered for the sake of $55 million, but I can't help feeling that in the end this makes anyone very happy. Shame on you, Darren!
Stephen Bright
... because clearly, Barry Bonds, Jose Canseco, etc. have had similar problems, and will be remembered as ineffective bench warmers. (Please to note, the above is sarcastic irony.)

You may recall, I told you somw time back that Dreifort had a shoulder problem (labrum?) and you asked me for a link to where I got the information. Of course I didn't have one because it came from someone who knows about these things.

No chance Dreifort will ever pitch again.

Wow, I'll have to ask Will Carroll about that one. But yeah, shoulder surgeries are iffy, and Dreif's career has never been that great. It's not like he's been a slacker or something -- you don't keep going back for more surgery unless you also have a lot of desire -- but he's just made of glass.
Being chronically hurt is a side effect of steroid abuse. And Dreifort is not just hurt a lot, but his body is breaking down. Also, it is no coinsidence that Dreifort shrunk down to half his former size (as did Sosa) once steroid testing started.

Also Dreifort's 2 homers had the Cubs announcers saying they've never seen a home run hit further than his 2.

Remember the 'juiced ball' theory that started after Kevin Elster hit 3 home runs in a game against the Giants? Funny that all that work was done on that when steroids was the much more obvious explanation.
Stephen Bright

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