Saturday, June 18, 2005 |
The Dream Of Gagné, The Nightmare Of His Absence: White Sox 5, Dodgers 3
Despite my earlier predictions of a total blowout with Dessens on the mound, he somehow managed not to screw up -- instead, handing that job to Ghame Over, who wasn't quite Gagné's equal. Offensive offense made up the rest of it.
Not that it especially matters, but what the hell is up with Oscar Robles' eyes? He looks like the Taco Bell chihuahua out there.
This is a bad team that just keeps getting worse. In almost every encounter with other playoff-bound teams, it comes up wanting. I am going to make a prediction here, based on no empirical data: so long as Paul DePodesta is the general manager of this team, so long will they inherit the Oakland A's disease, and even then, only in good years (i.e., they won't make it out of the first round). In bad years, well...
It's hard enough being an LA fan in a den of Sox fans, but try leaving the stadium with 30,000 Sox Fans wooping it up after the come from behind win. It sucked...
I guess I'm lucky the Dodgers didn't lose in an upset. Those fans were nuts.
Sure enough though, the Dodgers are just no match with so many injuries. If Gagne would have been there it would have been a different story. When are these guys going to stop breaking themselves? It's sad.
Adam, I'm right there with you. Yes, I'm blogwhoring again.
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