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Thursday, June 09, 2005

OT: Hey, I Wear Glasses

Nerds make better lovers, or so say the eastern newspaper writers. SABR is probably drooling by now. Predictably laughable testamony at Slashdot.

I notice a common thread with all the "nerds" in the column - their bank accounts.
The old Jewish mother saying to her daughter on being frustrated with marrying a shorter man: he can sit on his wallet.
dude, like NONE of those guys are really nerds. arquette is from an entertainment family; tiger woods is a ridiculously wealthy celebrity (not to mention good looking); if christina is marrying a music executive, that sounds more like a career move than anything, and of course i'm sure he's loaded; over half of my female friends (most in their early 20s) have crushes on adam brody, so he's more of an indie heartthrob than a bonafide nerd. what a meaningless article.

Yes, Vishal. I know. Its principle value is as laugh fodder.
haha, i know you linked to it in a tongue-in-cheek way, rob. i mean, of course we slightly nerdy gentlemen are quite wonderful people and excellent mates, but the article is pretty much a mockery of the concept so i just couldn't hold back my contempt.


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