Wednesday, February 15, 2006 |
Anaheim Won't Immediately Appeal Name Ruling
The city of Anaheim is already on the hook for more than $2 million in legal fees for the Angels lawsuit. (In theory, it also could get socked with Arte Moreno's costs, but that's rare in a case in which there's no attorneys' fees clause in the contract.) There will be political pressure to drop the matter and not appeal the verdict.Here I part company with Mickadeit, who seems to have forgotten that it's the wins and not the name that made the money. Disney wasn't going to keep the team; that much was obvious after 1999, but having found a really good owner -- perhaps the best in either league in the Western divisions -- they're pushing their luck by continuing this line of legal threat. There's been chatter at Halos' Heaven that Arte is in fact looking around at new stadium sites elsewhere in the LA area, and the Register has published a report that Anaheim resident Allen Davis has threatened a recall if Pringle refuses to drop the matter.The council members who sat there day after day know a few things the average city resident or pundit doesn't: the strength of the city's case, that one of the three appellate judges has already ruled for the city, and that the cost of an appeal would be a mere fraction of what the trial cost. When you weigh the risk-reward of throwing a few more bucks at a chance to win $100 million or more (and get the name back!), you could see why the council would go in that direction.
Not to mention that by appealing the decision, the city somewhat ties Moreno's hands for at least another 18 months. He'd be foolish to go whole hog on the further Los Angelization of the Angels while there was a chance he could still lose. And, I almost forgot, there's still a chance Judge Peter Polos could essentially disagree with Thursday's verdict and on March 2 grant an injunction requiring Moreno to restore the Anaheim Angels name – a long shot, but one that would make him a judicial hero of Sirica-like proportions locally.
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