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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Two Games

Chone Figgins, You Are Dead To Me: Royals 4, Angels 3

You, Desmond DeChone Figgins, I'm talkin' to you. One-for-frickin'-four, and a game-losing error at third. You are dead, dead, dead to me.

And don't think this means you're off the hook, Mr. Kelvim "Pimpin'" Escobar. Five K's, one of them not in a game-critical moment, is making you look like you're losing it just after Bill Stoneman signed you to a high-dollar extension. This is the Royals, dammit, not the Red Sox. You strike their asses out. That K/9 better start perking up, or pretty soon you'll end up like Zona's poster boy. You, Kelvim Escobar, are on notice.


Kuo-Dependency Bad For Dodgers: Padres 5, Dodgers 3

a-Homered for Broxton in the 8th.
Get enough guys on base ahead of him and this might have been a Dodgers W. Sadly, not enough things went right for the Blue, and so we resign ourselves to the knowledge that Hong-Chih Kuo still doesn't have what it takes to consistently get batters out at the major league level; nonetheless, the Dodgers have few better options (one might be Gio Carrara, at least in the short term). I can see them leaving him up; I can see them sending him down.


I know you are trying to be dramatic, but this boxscore says he was 0-4 with no strikeouts. As a matter of fact, the Angels had just two strikeouts the entire game, and one came when AK substituted for Salmon in the 9th. And Figgins' error certainly was not a game-loser, although it certainly helped lose it. I mean, the Angels were still up 3-1 immediately after the error and had the chance to get the outs necessary to get out of the inning with a 3-1 lead, but Escobar screwed up (and even if things happened exacty the same it still would have been 3-2, not exactly a guaranteed win). I am actually shocked you aren't calling for Erstad's head, when he grounded into a double play to end the game.
Erstad has long ago ceased to interest me, and was added to my dead-to-me list last year. If anything, Scioscia ought to be added to the on-notice list for playing him. But thanks, I'll make that correction.
5 K's in 7 innings is actually pretty good ... not amazing, but good.
Sure, but his overall rate is down from years past. Last year, he'd have gotten one or two more in that game. Declining strikeout rates are usually pretty good leading indicators of overall declining ability.
How about Scioscia totally mismanaging that ninth inning? Bringing in a pinch-bunter? Was that not the most ridiculous thing? Its not as if AK was bunting for Jose Molina. There were a whole host of things that Salmon's capable of that would have helped them in that situation, but I guess Scioscia's so in love with the bunt its suspended him from reality. And don't get me started on letting Erstad fail, once again, in that "clutch" situation. I'm disgusted.
Does a .239 average against righties mean anything to you?
But, so what if he's only got a .239 avg. against righties? AK was up there for the express purpose of making an out! Salmon could have tied or won the game with one swing.
Does a .239 average against righties mean anything to you?

In 67 AB? After considering that in 178 AB against RHP going back to 2004 he's hit .292 against them? Not really.
I'll grant you the small sample size caveat if you'll confess that it's altogether possible that an older hitter is having a tough time hitting same-handed pitching, a la Eric Karros in his last couple years.

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