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Friday, September 29, 2006

Manager Hargrove, GM Bavasi To Return To Mariners In 2007

Despite a third straight last-place finish, the Mariners will bring back GM Bill Bavasi and manager Mike Hargrove next year.
An annual letter sent to the team's approximately 15,000 season ticket-holders stated: "We have more work to do. And we believe that we have the right people in place to get the job done. Bill Bavasi will continue to lead our baseball operations and Mike Hargrove will continue to manage the team.

"We believe that they are the right people to lead us to the next level. We have great confidence in their abilities. In our view, continuity of leadership is extremely important at this point in time."


"We are well aware that your patience is not infinite. Neither is ours," the letter told the season ticket-holders. "Like you, we wish the rebuilding process was much quicker and that the Mariners would be in the playoffs next week."

The Mariners have only two starting pitchers signed for next year, Jarrod Washburn and Felix Hernandez.

kris carl at BP says former halo Jake Woods is also a 2007 mariner starter

(and when Mr. Carl starts calling them the Los Angeles Angels, i'll start learning to spell her name!)
No offense, but I suspect that was an act born of desperation.

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