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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Mark Of Zito: Tigers 5, A's 1

The Tigers, having badly upset my applecart by beating the Yankees, may well be on their way to screwing things up for me in the rest of the postseason by taking out the A's. Not that I think the A's can't recover from a Game 1 loss at home; clearly it's way too early to make comments like that. But the Tigers made Barry Zito throw strikes until he couldn't, and whammied him when he did; if anything, Zito just took a million or so off his 2007 contract, though by the time the negotiating's over, it's likely that figure will be just a rounding error.

Hero du jour
The hero of the game for the Tiggers had to be Nate Robertson, who managed to slip and slide his way in and out of trouble all night long. Robertson, whose visage reminds me vaguely of what Matt Welch might look like if he had a soul patch, got the A's in their fantastic weakness: grounding into double plays, a fault that struck them 170 times in the regular season, leading the major leagues. They hit into four in this game, three of which were inning-enders.

The only bad thing to happen to the Tigers was the loss of first baseman Sean Casey; but the series is hardly done yet. At the same time, we hear tell that the A's plan on starting Rich Harden in Game 3 despite his poor showing in Arizona Instructional League. Well, who knows.

ESPN BoxTigers Recap

You're right, Zito did cost himself some money last night. The title of Tom Verducci's piece on si.com following last night's game . . . ?

"Yankees should pass on Zito, pursue Matsuzaka"


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