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Monday, November 27, 2006

It's Official: Rod Barajas Signs With The Jays

Rod Barajas signed a two-year/$6M deal with the Blue Jays (hat tip: Lone Star Ball). This means the Rangers will get two compensatory draft picks next year, one from the Angels from the Matthews deal, and one from the Jays.

Rob, when are you going to realize that all these deals are insane as far as money.....baseball has no salary cap. Get over it already. Is there any contract signed by a player with seniority that you agree with??
When am I going to realize these deals are insane as far as money? Did I not decry the Soriano deal? Of course the dollars are insane; I still think the A-Rod deal is crazy. I refuse to "get over it" because I don't see the value in overpaying for mediocrity. And because I think the money currently permeating the game is a temporary situation.

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