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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Gary Matthews, Jr. Statement

I had a long post about Gary Matthews, Jr.'s frustrating* silence that damned MySpace caused me to lose when I followed a link to Kelvim Escobar's page off the Rev's post about it this morning... damn thing hung my browser. Anyway, Matthews, Jr.'s made his statement about HGH:
At the outset of spring training, my name was linked in the press with reports involving an investigation of unlawful trafficking in Human Growth hormone dating back to 2004. HGH is a prescription drug that I understand can be abused. It is now on the list of banned substances in Major League Baseball, although it wasn't in 2004. As I have now learned, people have been recently arrested and charged with crimes for prescribing and selling HGH in illegal ways. I knew nothing about the current investigation before it hit the press. Naturally, I hired counsel and consulted with the players' union.

I don't condone the use of illegal drugs. I support Mr. Moreno's strong stand against them. I have never taken HGH -- during the 2004 season or any other time. Nobody has accused me of doing so, and no law enforcement authority has said I am a target of any investigation for doing so.

Before saying anything publicly I wanted to make absolutely sure of my ground. In particular, I needed to try to learn whether anybody in authority -- in or out of baseball -- felt they had reason to accuse me of anything with regard to HGH. If they did, I would have to deal with that. It has taken me, and those representing me, 16 days to make certain that's not the case. And that is why it has taken longer than I would have preferred to make a public statement.

I have been given a wonderful opportunity to play baseball with a great organization and I'm looking forward to a successful season with new teammates and fans.

Whatever. I'll just be happy when they release him and get a real centerfielder instead of the ghost of Steve Finley, only without those great seasons behind him...
*Mainly to Arte Moreno and Angels' brass.


I have to admit, that's a pretty damned good statement. I don't necessarily believe him, but he took the high road in not attacking Arte and he has taken a definitive position (he never took HGH) which can be vetted. Well played, Son of Sarge.
Cynical me--it sounds like he's saying he first needed to find out if anybody had any proof before making a statement. Now that he's determined that no one has proof, he's stating that he never took HGH. Note that he didn't say he hadn't purchased HGH. Anticpate further parsing of this statement as new info comes out.
No doubt, and I don't think that this should be taken anything more than it is: he is saying that he didn't do it and if he did it didn't matter at the time since it was not a banned substance. But the fact that he is complimenting Arte so strongly and is willing to take a stand (when things could later come out implying he took HGH), really stands apart from what others have said about their own drug uses. Of course, remember that Rafe Palmiero unequivocally denied steroid use and then was caught with a banned substance. All the people that felt good about him after the Congressional Hearings obliterated him later. And GMJ has now taken a stand in such away that he will be ripped apart by the media if there is any indication he is lying.
Bottom line, if he truly has never used HGH, he could have and should have said so from Day 1, just as Jerry Hairston, Jr. (whose name also came up in the same probe) did. Something to the effect of, "I have never used HGH. I will make an additional statement once I understand why my name has come up in this investigation. Until that time, I have been advised by my legal and professional representatives not to make any further statements, and I intend to heed their advice."

He and his agent could have issued that statement on Day 1.

Practically speaking, I hope this satisfies the organization so that there is no longer any uncertainty regarding his status with the team. If that changes in the future, so be it.

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