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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Enthusiasms: What New Century Used Baseball Bats For

Via the Times' LA Land Blog, New Century Financial found another use for baseball bats:
Maggie Hardiman cringed as she heard the salesmen knocking the sides of desks with a baseball bat as they walked through her office. Bang! Bang!

"'You cut my [expletive] deal!'" she recalls one man yelling at her. "'You can't do that.'" Bang! The bat whacked the top of her desk. As an appraiser for a company called New Century Financial, Hardiman was supposed to weed out bad mortgage applications. Most of the mortgage applications Hardiman reviewed had problems, she said.

But "you didn't want to turn away a loan because all hell would break loose," she recounted in interviews. When she did, her bosses often overruled her and found another appraiser to sign off on it.

It's vitally important that a man have his enthusiasms, as you know.


it's a global phenomena. Baseball bats are a favorite among the Euro hooligan youth too.

seems like everyone in the world knows how to swing one (except for the Angels DH).

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