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Monday, May 14, 2007

Pickoff Moves

New (To Me) Dodger Blog: The Trolley Dodger

Well, not even really, because I knew about The Trolley Dodger a long while ago, but got lazy about nailing up a sidebar link. Via SOSG, the Trolley boys pass along a bit of rank speculation that I tried and failed to find in the Boston Globe about a possible fire sale in Toronto that could end up with Troy Glaus in Dodger Blue. (See? There's the link, just gotta work their search box right.) Matt Kemp and/or James Loney in return? If I'm Ricciardi, that's who I'd ask for.

Roster Notes

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Thanks for the link, Rob -- apparently I was too busy linking to player pages and forgot to link the original blurb. ;)

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