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Saturday, March 15, 2008

OT: The Circus Comes To Mayberry

One of the principle reasons we moved last year was because some dumb kid threw an M-80 over the fence from the elementary school east of us around the 4th of July. It's not that the neighborhood was bad by any stretch, but we had our Helen had reservations about staying there. We moved a few miles west to Rossmoor, which is about as Mayberry as it gets without leaving California.

The hazards now, of course, are endless construction crews — even in the worst housing downturn in two decades, remodeling continues to churn along. There are even a couple teardowns being rebuilt on spec. Astonishingly, I saw one of them actually with a "SOLD" sign on it a couple weeks ago. With the exceptions of a couple houses scattered here and there (those close to storm drains tend to have poorly-kept yards, while elsewhere "mansionization" creeps through like some sort of slow-moving cancer), the whole place looks like a "Father Knows Best" neighborhood.

Which was why it was so incongruous to see this monstrosity show up at the park near our house. The stage on the right (you can barely see it here, click here for a better view) is for a reality TV/game show I don't recall the title of, though I seem to remember it's airing on CBS; the conceit (of at least this episode) is they're giving this guy who has a garage band a kick-ass stage on which to perform his act while giving away prizes and suchlike. They've taken over his street and most of the parking lot at the nearby community center. The whole shebang is supposed to be ready for a shoot tomorrow, but there's a slight chance of rain tomorrow, so who knows.

It's not the first time I've seen camera crews around here, either: a few months ago, MTV was shooting in our neighborhood, though much less intrusively. Hey, at least they're not throwing explosives at our dogs.



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