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Thursday, April 17, 2008

A's Move To Fremont Likely Delayed To 2012

Thanks to the time needed to evaluate a lengthy environmental impact report, the A's will likely have to postpone their relocation to 2012. The new A's ballpark blog says this may be intermixed with local election timing:
Those of you looking for a political angle may look at the study's availability after the November general election, when incumbent Bob Wasserman will face off against four-time former mayor Gus Morrison and councilman Steve Cho. Without even a draft, there isn't much substance to debate. That's not to say that Morrison won't feature the anti-ballpark stance prominently, it's just that he won't have any specifics to point to unless he wants to put together his own independent study. Meanwhile, proponents will have the Economic Impact study from last year as ammunition, which I covered in several posts last spring.

A simple economic angle also can't be dismissed. By pushing the opening back a year, investors may be hoping that they'll be an additional year removed from the recession and the housing market drop.



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