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Friday, April 25, 2008

Pickoff Moves

Plaschke's Next Stupid Idea: Kershaw To The Show

So dumb it almost merits no comment, but that "almost" injected here gives me a crack to drive these words through: 24.2 innings of work at AA last year, 19.2 this year, and a nifty spring training, when guys are trying to find their swings. Leave him be and if he can hack AAA, cool, but let's not rush the kid nor put ridiculous burdens on his young shoulders, shall we?

So Much For That Damn Gnome

It's important to recognize when a hypothesis has been falsified, else what you're doing isn't science.

Roster Notes

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Plaschke actually wrote a paragraph with---gasp---THREE sentences in it!
It's far from the stupidest idea he's had, though I'm not sure I agree with it. I certainly don't think calling him up to be in the bullpen is the worst idea. Get acquainted with the bigs, conserve the arm.

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