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Monday, January 25, 2010

Shady Operator? Or Shadiest Operator? Jalil-Abdul, Lyman Bostock's Agent, Involved In Haiti Charity Scam

I got the most amazing spam today from someone purporting to be rattling the cup for the Aaron and Margaret Wallace Foundation, the proximate cause being Haiti earthquake relief. Interesting facts:
  1. I could find no evidence of such a foundation at the Foundation Center's 990 finder, a search form that lets you look for the IRS 990 form for 501(c)(3) charities.
  2. Nowhere on the purported "foundation's" website do they ever claim to be a 501(c)(3) charity.
  3. Nor for that matter do they claim to have any experience at disaster relief. See also the Wyclef Jean Yéle Haiti foundation, which has similar problems and was, previously, principally a cultural and arts foundation.
  4. Finally, they are connected — at the hip, it seems, as the whois record for the trust points to the same man — to one Abdul-Jalil, perhaps best known as the man who gave Lyman Bostock catastrophically bad financial advice (Bostock had no life insurance), in addition to making himself persona non grata throughout baseball for the shameful way in which he deported himself in the wake of Bostock's tragic, sudden death, asking for money from the Angels organization above and beyond his agent's commission. If he has ever worked as an agent for any other major league baseball player, I have yet to hear of it.
Abdul had some characteristics of being a shady operator in the past, but this stinks of rank opportunism. What a revolting display of naked greed masquerading as charity.

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