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Friday, July 30, 2004

Delays, Delays, Nothing But Delays

Those of you waiting for the inevitable column from yours truly about the exit, stage left of Paulie and Mota for a basket of players, to possibly include the greatest left-hander on earth (step right this way) will have to wait a little longer. I'm still trying to digest my own feelings on this, and they're not happy. In fact, you could tell the Dodgers weren't happy, despite the bashing they handed to traditional Dodger-killer Adam Eaton; they walked off the field as though they had lost, quiet, their high fives subdued.
If the Dodgers get RJ, I can name one guy who's going to get a call from George Steinbrenner, and it's about a job opening in the Yankees organization.
I want to mention that I wish I had half the analogies and dreamy similies that Sean cooks up at Purgatory Online. Being married takes time away from blogging, much to Sean's benefit and our loss.

I'd be pretty surprised if DePodesta continued his pursuit of Johnson/Finley. He just got younger, cheaper and better. None of the players lost are likely to factor into the 2006 Dodgers, but every player gained (and those on the table in the reported offer to Arizona) should.

Obviously, the upgrade from Penny to Johnson is nice (33.8 VORP to 42.0 VORP), but I can't believe that it's worth the price. And Bradley's already a younger, better (offensivel & defensively) and cheaper than Finley.

As a D-Back fan, I hope this deal happens; I just can't believe that DePodesta would do it.

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