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Monday, November 08, 2004

The Cold Zzzztove

It's a slow news week, and as a result, things around here are limited to sportswriters making mumbling noises in public. So, a couple bullet points until I finish my research project:
Speaking of the Washington Whatisits, they apparently released former closer Rocky Biddle. How's this for a bitter press release: "In 2004, Biddle received $1.9 million and gave the Expos little in return." So much for finding work elsewhere...

The Whatisits have a new web page, about as generic as you can get: no logo, just a placeholder until the Flying Dutchman of baseball teams finally comes to light somewhere. Don't let it fool you: the dropdown at the upper left, the same one populating all the teams' websites, hasn't been changed yet, and the club hasn't been given a <team>.<city>.mlb.com website yet, either. Talk about a vote of no-confidence. Interesting, though, that the principle color is gray.

Finally, an open comment to Jon: yes, you're absolutely right, the Green/Sosa trade sounds ridiculous. It could sound less ridiculous under other contexts, but the big story is in fact that the Dodgers have a fair amount of salary room to work with in the offseason. If they spend it wisely, they are in for good times next year, as I don't think anybody else in this division has nearly as much to improve with.


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