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Sunday, January 09, 2005

OT: Forget The Weather, How About Those Resolutions?

More questions-du-jour from LA Blogs:

1. Did you make plans before last minute this year? Assuming you meant New Year's Eve plans, no. We don't actually go anywhere anymore on New Year's Eve on account of the dogs, who are liable to freak out and try to find us if weren't at home, thanks to the fireworks and gun-poppery.

2. What were your plans? See above. Sure, it gets kinda tiresome some years, but to be honest, I'm not sure we're missing all that much.

3. Have you ever sprung for a New Year's party at a club/restaurant? If so, where? No, not really.

4. Drinking this year. In excess, in moderation, not at all? Sigh. Under doctor's orders to completely abstain until they figure out what's wrong with my liver. "It's nothing serious", they keep telling me. Okay, so not even a single glass of a nice merlot on New Year's Eve? "No." Sigh.

5. How were you feeling New Year's day? As a consequence of the above, I felt great the next day.

6. Rose Parade. Still interesting, played out, or a tradition that will never die? Better than ever thanks to our new HDTV. Even Stephanie Edwards was tolerable!

7. Rose Bowl. Game worth watching, or just a good excuse to rub our sunny (then) weather in the face of Michigan fans? Sunny? It nearly rained on the game!

8. What resolution have you made that you have no intention of keeping? While I don't, strictly speaking, have to lose weight, it would definitely help.

internet memes are so hard to resist and commenting is fun. so i'm gonna answer too, if you don't mind.

1. no. i had someone visiting, so at the last minute i decided to go to a small party at a friend of a friend's.
2. the party was okay. really low-key.
3. nope.
4. moderation. i had to drive home from LA afterwards.
5. great. i had a much better NYD than NYE. i went to the batting cages, had japanese food, and sung karaoke.
6. i've never really been all that interested in parades. it's a nice tradition though and it will probably last a while.
7. NOT WORTH WATCHING. i was actually planning to attend the game, to see my school play in its first rose bowl since 1959... but since cal got shafted by the BCS and texas, i decided to abstain from viewing completely. yes, i'm still bitter.
8. why make resolutions if you already know you won't keep them? i have been making yearly guidelines, and i follow them for the most part.

anyway, happy new year rob. thanks for the good blogging :)


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