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Monday, October 10, 2005

Redemption For My $50

I have been and remain somewhat skeptical about ESPN's Insider services, but it's become almost impossible to get any actual content aside from AP and SportsTicker news off their site anymore without it. Nevertheless, subscribe I do, even though it means an automatic parallel subscription to ESPN The Magazine, whose football-littered copy ends up in the recycling pile before I get to page 2.

But every now and then, I read something that redeems my purchase, and so 'twas today. Steve Phillips, late GM of the Mets and more recently, a subway nuisance of the "will work for food" variety, is one of the "insiders" passing off his dubious prejudices as insightful. Mercifully to fans throughout baseball, the entertainment he provides is now well outside the confines of the game's front offices, as witness this latest effort about why some clubs have hope:

You want hope ... take a healthy Barry Bonds. Despite the failure that has been 2005, I still think many of the veterans on the Giants will be productive in 2006. Armando Benitez will be good, as will Moises Alou, Omar Vizquel and Mike Matheny. Jason Schmidt and Noah Lowry have also been very good after the All Star break.
If you need a reason why Phillips was a disaster in the Mets front office, it was this: too many bets on too many old players, Mo Vaughn being only one of many. It was a lesson he refused to learn even after his 2001 squad fell apart, something Jonah Keri wrote about back in August of last year. So I get some entertainment value for my money, by being able to point and laugh at this swill. If anything, the 2006 Giants will advance on the efforts of such young notables as Lowry, not on aging icons like Alou, Matheny, and Vizquel. (Bonds may indeed be healthy next year, but then, he's been declared healthy or near to it so many times this year that he could be mistaken for a communist dictator.) There are far fewer of the former on the Giants than there are of the latter.


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