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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Darren Dreifort's Moment Of Glory

Dodger Math has a great post about Darren Dreifort's greatest moment of glory, as reckoned from the plate.
Dreifort will forever be remembered as two things: the guy we got instead of A-Rod, and the ultimate symbol of the excess of the Kevin Malone era. While it’s hard to feel sorry for a guy the Dodgers paid 55 million dollars for almost no return, Dreifort did his best to rehab from his various injuries and live up to his contract, when could have easily pulled an Albert Belle.
I'll drink to that.

You know, I get that charitable vibe about Dodger fans about Dreifort -- it's not his fault he got hurt or that Kevin Malone is crazy. If this was New York they'd have crucified him. Maybe it's because we're past the Sherrif Era of Dodgerdom, I don't know.
I won't. Look, I'm no fan of Albert Belle, but the guy didn't ask the Orioles to keep paying him. He essentially retired, and they found it more cost effective to keep him on the payroll so they could collect the insurance. Albert Belle is a dick, but the fact that he got paid while not rehabbing wasn't really his fault.
Seitz, I think you assume that insurance paid his salary. That may well not be the case if the Angelides-owned O's decided to self-insure.

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