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Monday, May 29, 2006

Thank You, Chicago Cubs: Dodgers 12, Braves 5

A long extra-innings game the day before and a direct flight home followed by a day game was the perfect way to start the day — if you were the Dodgers, who pounded on the Braves for seven runs in the first two innings, five of them earned off starter John Thomson. Thomson, sweating profusely in the hot, muggy Atlanta afternoon, didn't survive the second. Neither did Brad Penny survive long enough to get the win, and we now discover that the reason is his sore shoulder and back; he later attacked a defenseless watercooler with a bat, and given his career .141 average, you'd hope he left it on a tee.

Update: More on this from Jon, where you're probably going for your Dodger Thoughts anyway, seeing as how this blog is now all Angels, all the time. :-)


No mention of Kemp? It's just one day, one game - but a pretty good game for the rookie.

sanchez, I was about to post something similar a week ago after a fairly cheeky write-up on one of the Dodger home victories. I enjoy Rob's perspective (especially when I need to get some perspective on winning streaks), but to take a page from David St. Hubbins, it can be "too ****ing much perspective" on occasion. The Angels game write-ups of late have been much longer and more detailed. IMO this is more of an Angel blog with one eye on boys in blue.
And I suppose the Angels have never had a weak-hitting pitcher take a swing at the water cooler. I mean, if this isn't evidence of your Halo bias, I don't know what is. :)

(Rob, you may need to block my comments before I start having too much fun here...)
Geeze Rob, You're lucky.
You've now had three people tell you what you write.

Hey... at least it means people are paying some, if not full, attention.
Probably the most comments I've had about a Dodger game in ages. On the other hand, I'll cop to not paying as much attention to the Dodgers as to the Angels.
Rob saves his pessimism about the Anegls for posts on my blog ;0)

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