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Friday, June 16, 2006

Pickoff Moves

Today's Birthdays

Jonathan Broxton LAN b. 1984, played 2005. He's gone from a thrower to a trustworthy middle reliever and even mentions as a possible Gagné replacement should it come to that. Good job, kid.

Pete Coscarart BRO b. 1913, played 1938-1941, All-Star: 1940, d. 2002-07-24. Well, the Dodgers had to send somebody. Look at this team and tell me who you'd pick. Uh huh, it's time to draw lots. Less than a decade later, the crowds at Brooklyn would get to see what a Hall of Fame second baseman looked like, up close, in black-and-white.

Wally Joyner CAL,ANA b. 1962, played 1986-1991, 2001, All-Star: 1986. A Top 100 Angel whose career never quite lived up to his first couple turns through the league; he held on through age 39, when he returned to the Angels one last time, hoping to replace the perennially injured Mo Vaughn. It didn't quite work that way, and he retired first.

Jose Nieves ANA b. 1975, played 2001-2002

Joe Saunders LAA b. 1981, played 2005. He hasn't really had much success at the major league level, but he's suddenly gone through a stretch in the minors where he's keeping the ball down and shutting down opponents in a tough, tough league for pitchers. He could still be an interesting option for the Angels.

Stan Wall LAN b. 1951, played 1975-1977

Roster Notes

Administrivia: Blogroll Cleanup

Some antique stuff, I've also pulled the plug on a few links I just haven't visited personally in a dog's age, and a few sites that have gone dormant (LA Blogs being the most prominent one).

I always thought I was exactly a year a older than Wally Joyner. Instead, it's the the other way around.

Wally is probably the best player who I share a birthday with so I'm really, really hoping Broxton attains superstar status.
I'm bitter because I missed Randy Johnson's birthday by a couple weeks or so.

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