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Sunday, October 15, 2006

BCB's Bottom Of The Heap Awards

Friend of 6-4-2 Al Yellon has published his Major League Baseball Bottom of the Heap Awards, (dis)honoring those teams and players whose failures transcend the mediocre to attain the acme of accomplishment in that regard. The Cubs earned a nod for being the worst team in the National League (as did the Joe Maddon-led Devil Rays); Clint Barmes of Colorado for having the worst regular season batting average with 502 plate appearances; and on and on. Funny stuff.

say what you will about Maddon, but never say those glasses aren't COOL!!
Rob, re. your comment about highest ERA you've seen, what about Hancock last night for the Cards:
Hancock 0.0IP 3H 5R 5ER 2BB 0K 0HR ERA 162.00
Yeah, that's pretty good...

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