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Friday, October 27, 2006

Today's Birthdays

While it's still Friday... I hadda go to a funeral early this morning, and it went long, as you can imagine. Then the World Series, and my perplexion at the Redbirds winning it behind Jeff Weaver.

Ed Albosta BRO b. 1918, played 1941, d. 2003-01-07

Gil Flores CAL b. 1952, played 1977

Onan Masaoka LAN b. 1977, played 1999-2000

Joe Mulvey BRO b. 1858, played 1895, d. 1928-08-21

Del Rice LAA b. 1922, played 1961, All-Star: 1953, d. 1983-01-26

Al Scheer BRO b. 1888, played 1913, d. 1959-05-06

Bill Travers CAL b. 1952, played 1981, 1983, All-Star: 1976

Hector Valle LAN b. 1940, played 1965


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