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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Adam Kennedy Goes Back To The Cards

Adam Kennedy will return to the St. Louis Cardinals, signing a 3-year/$10M deal. He supposedly turned down more money to play for Toronto to play with the team he came up with in 1999; Kennedy was the Cards' first-round draft pick in 1997.
"Adam's going to the World Series champs, to one of the two or three best baseball cities in America, to a place where he's been and he knows well,'' Cohen said. "On a 1-10 happiness scale, he's like a 12 right now.''
And one more link to the 2002 squad vanishes. Godspeed, Adam.

Why is it that every ex-Angel seems to end up in St. Louis or Toronto?
Best of luck Adam, will never forget those three HRs in Game 5 of the ALCS!!!!!

I liked AK.
The Angels will miss Kennedy
He went fairly cheap, given some of the other salaries out there. Not a great player, but a solid player.

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