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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tim Brown Moves To Yahoo Sports

Thanks to Jon for the note that Times (mostly) baseball beat writer Tim Brown will be moving to Yahoo. If Plaschke makes the Times unreadable at times, Brown makes up for it with solid daily coverage. By extension, this might mean Yahoo Sports is finally getting good enough to read for its articles rather than a place to go for obscure splits.

I'm not sure how long Brown has been with the Times, but he has been my favorite scribe there for a few years. His writing style reminds me a lot of my own, back when I was a college sportswriter. Definitely a reason to spend more time reading Yahoo! sports. And the Times takes one step closer to irrelevance, not that I can take any paper seriously when it prints advertisements on the sectional front pages.
That was the Tipping Point for print.

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