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Friday, November 10, 2006

Matsuzaka Update -- Angels Win Bidding?

A bunch of stuff happening now; besides the two New York teams, the Rangers are alleged to have posted a $30M bid on the Japanese pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka, posted by his present team, the Seibu Lions; also the Cards, Cubs, Diamondbacks, and supposedly Indians (though the Cleveland Plain Dealer poured cold water on that earlier in the week) are supposed to have submitted bids. A (likely bogus) report coming out of Boston seems to indicate that the Angels have won the bidding. It's possible, but we also hear that Matsuzaka's posting might be revoked if the Lions think he won't fetch a high enough price.

Update: here's a Matsuzaka Watch blog, and a more reliable source from Boston with less to say says two teams may have bid over $20M for negotiation rights.

Update 2: Buster Olney is reporting that it's the Red Sox, with a bid between $38M and $45M.

Update 3: The Angels did bid on Matsuzaka, says the Times.


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