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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Today's Birthdays

Gene DeMontreville BRO b. 1873, played 1900, d. 1935-02-18

Art Herring BRO b. 1906, played 1934, 1944-1946, d. 1995-12-02

Steve Howe LAN b. 1958, played 1980-1983, 1985, All-Star: 1982, d. 2006-04-28. Rookie of the Year in 1980, yet suspended seven times for drug use, including a "for life" banishment from baseball in 1992 that was rescinded the next year. His drug of choice was cocaine, a vice for which a childhood ritalin prescription may have predisposed him. He perished last year in a solo car accident; methamphetamines were in his system at the time he died. Rest in peace, Steve.

Shad Williams CAL,ANA b. 1971, played 1996-1997

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I remember when the Dodgers had Alejandro Pena, Steve Howe and Dave Stewart in the bullpen. I loved it. All three had varying levels of charisma and all three had blazing fastballs. I would tell anyone who would listen that the Dodgers might have three hall of famers in the bullpen. Turns out I was wrong but could you have blamed me at the time? All three had hall of fame arms, IMHO. I think Stewart wouldv'e made it had he found the forkball sooner, Pena might've made it without the injuries (yeah, I know, you can say that about a lot of guys) and I thought Howe was the best of the three.

I honestly never met anyone outside of a pressroom who didn't cheer for Steve Howe.

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