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Monday, April 30, 2007

UTK Quickies

From today's UTK (emphasis all mine):
The Angels have a solid squad, and depth across the diamond, but there's as many apparent flaws in this team as there are reasons to believe. Jered Weaver was complaining he had a dead arm last week, while many were whispering that there was more than just tendonitis in his right shoulder. He showed good velocity over the weekend however, so I'm inclined to believe my team sources who think Weaver will be the team's No. 2 by the All-Star break. The Angels are a bit more worried about Garret Anderson, who's been described this way to me by an observer: "He's got less range than David Hasselhoff." Anderson may be dealing with residual back problems, leg problems, and an acute hip flexor strain, but as I told that observer, Anderson's in the big leagues, Hasselhoff is starring in "The Producers" in Vegas, and he's eating Top Ramen on a regular basis. (Note to the youth of America--baseball teams pay their players well, not their mid-level staffers.) The Angels should get Chone Figgins back early this week, but watch his throwing. More than anything else, it appears that throwing accuracy might be the lingering issue from his finger injury.
I wrote Will about Jered's alleged "dead arm"; the only thing I remember from last week about it was Thursday's Times story in which Weaver said "I don't think dead arm is an issue."

Update: Will wrote back to say he was referring to this Register piece:

After lasting just 1 2/3 innings in his start Monday against the Detroit Tigers, the Angels' second-year right-hander said pitching coach Mike Butcher mentioned to him that his velocity was down, possibly just a "dead-arm" phase that most pitchers go through at some point in the spring. Because Weaver's spring was set back by biceps tendinitis, his "dead-arm" phase might not have arrived until two starts after he came off the disabled list.

"He came up to me and said, 'Hey, you may be having a bit of dead-arm,' " Weaver said. "I just said, 'OK. Really?' I didn't know. I've probably had it before but I just don't know what it feels like.

"My arm felt good. Obviously, my velocity was down a little. I guess that's dead-arm."

In moderately related news: Chan Ho Park got the callup to the Mets following news that Orlando Hernandez will miss more than just a couple starts with shoulder bursitis. "Little should be expected", snarks Rotoworld, but isn't Grady still with the Dodgers?

Update: Will has a brief video about bad pitching mechanics, in which he includes segments of Bartolo Colon (inconsistent), Twins starter Francisco Liriano (violent arm extension), and Rich Harden (short-arming). Interesting stuff.

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