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Monday, April 21, 2008

Beat Me To It: Juan Pierre's B-Ref Page Now Sponsored

The Juan Pierre Baseball-Reference page now has a sponsor. I was waiting for it to go down some more (IIRC it was at $60 on Friday) but it's been claimed over the weekend, apparently. At least it didn't go to an apologist!

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"Latin David Eckstein"? Since when did Alabama-born and Louisiana-raised Pierre become a Latino? Am I missing something?

Not that you were the sponsor or anything, but the Eckstein-bashing seems a tad misplaced, given that Eck's OBP and OPS+ (and even positional defense) has well-eclipsed Pierre's in recent seasons. No Jose Reyes he, but a perfectly adequate leadoff guy for St Louis who performed quite exceptionally during their championship run.
I think the point was "all scrappy" which seems misplaced; at least Eck had some good OBP in him, something Pierre never has.

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