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Monday, May 12, 2008

Pickoff Moves, Pregame Edition

(Mostly Angels Minor League) Roster Notes

Getting too far behind on these things, I swear...

UTK Quickies

In today's UTK:
Chone Figgins (15 DXL)
The Angels handle the DL as well as anyone in the game. They're willing to play a man down for a little while, see if the injured player would be back before the 15 days, and then, when they feel they know for sure, act from depth and strength rather than desperation. Much of the credit has to go to Mike Scioscia, the one constant through the team's recent success. The recent handling of Chone Figgins was no different. Once the team realized that he wasn't able to contribute and would need at least another week of treatment and healing, they pushed him to the DL and replaced him with Kendry Morales, the type of non-linear move that makes the Angels so good. They'd already shifted the lineup to deal with Figgins' injury and now acted to improve upon what they saw as a weakness. Small things like this add up to big success. As for Figgins, he should be back at or very near the minimum.
Carroll also considers that Kevin Millwood's leg injury may represent "sort of tightening of the spiral", the A's getting Eric Chavez back is now in the "bonus" category, and Kason Gabbard's injury ought to coincide with Richie Sexson's suspension. Good point.

OT: Interior Desecrations

One of my favorite websites used to be Minneapolis Star-Tribune columnist James Lileks' Institute of Official Cheer, a smirking look back at the awfulness pervading the 1940's through the 1970's. (I say "used to be" because his Bleat column eventually gave over to post-9/11 paranoiac rants about how we have to hand over all our constitutional rights or else the terrorists have won.) One of the best parts eventually became a book, Interior Desecrations. We got a flyer today that reminded me of the latter; upper left and upper right on the photos on the bottom in particular. Yow.

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