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Sunday, October 31, 2004

Pickoff Moves

Truer Words Were Never Spoken

Idiots Write About Sports refers us to this Boston Herald story about the Farrelly brothers and their pursuit of a baseball-ized version of Fever Pitch, a book about the woes of being a sports fan. In the original, it was about being a fan of the English football -- er, sorry, soccer -- club Arsenal, but of course the Farrelly gang had to translate it to the Bosox, about whom you may break out the adjectives: long-suffering, cursed, etc. Well, of course, they didn't plan on the Sox winning it all, and dang it all, they had to put in a rewrite to make their screenplay actually track the book -- fancy that -- which has Arsenal winning it all. Of this late disaster/opportunity:
"We've always been lucky but this is the luckiest we've ever been -- to be involved with this thing at this time,' Bobby Farrelly told the Track.

"Actually, our only discernable talent is luck."

Truer words were never spoken...

Arrive In The Third... also has something on this.

Tradition Has Ben Franklin's Face On It

In that same article, Arrive In the Third makes a fine point:
I really couldn't care less about the names on the back of the jerseys -- but stop making the "tradition argument." You can't say you need to modernize the ballpark experience by cutting back the organ and modernize the broadcast experience by dumping Ross Porter, then turn around and expect us to buy that you are so enamored with tradition you wanted the names off the jerseys.
Yeah. Is Ross Porter part of that tradition? Or are you only interested in traditions that result in positive cash flow changes?

Playing GM, Minus The Borasian Headaches

Richard points us to this New York Post story chock-full of speculative goodness about the Beltran sweepstakes, what with Carlos ending up in an Angels uniform and all ("a person close to Beltran said Anaheim is where the center fielder will go"). For now, I refer you back to my response to Bill Shaikin's Times fantasies; I still say Beltran's a Yankee next year.

More On Sosa's Outburst

The commenters at Cub Reporter had a couple good points about the Sosa outburst:


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